[SciPy-User] 2d interpolation

Johann Cohen-Tanugi cohen at lpta.in2p3.fr
Wed Aug 5 23:21:20 EDT 2009

Hi Jochen,
best would probably be to post your code somewhere. With the scarse 
decription below, it is hard to give you potentially useful feedback :)

Jochen wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've got a 2D field z which is a function of arrays x and y. Now I want to
> interpolate it to two new arrays xn and yn. I've tried using
> scipy.interpolate.interp2d, but I get some weird artifacts for smaller
> fields or for larger fields (200x200) it takes so long that I have to
> kill it after a while. Is it expected to be this slow? Currently I've
> hacked a solution using scipy.ndimage.interpolation.map_coordinates
> which is fast but seems quite hackish to me? Anybody have a better
> solution to do this?
> Cheers
> Jochen
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