[SciPy-user] [Numpy-discussion] ANN: Python programs for epidemic modelling

Alan G Isaac aisaac at american.edu
Sat Oct 25 23:55:43 EDT 2008

On 10/25/2008 6:07 PM I. Soumpasis wrote:
> The programs are GPL licensed. More info on the section of copyrights
 > http://wiki.deductivethinking.com/wiki/Deductive_Thinking:Copyrights.
> I hope it is ok,

Well, that depends what you mean by "ok".

Obviously, the author picks the license s/he prefers.
But a GPL license means that some people will avoid
your code, so you make wish to make sure you thought
the licensing issue for this code carefully.

As a point of comparison,
note that all your package dependencies have
a new BSD license.

Alan Isaac

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