[SciPy-user] array manipulation

Nils Wagner nwagner at iam.uni-stuttgart.de
Thu Oct 23 10:02:25 EDT 2008

Hi all,

>>> M
array([[1025338,       1,       1,       1],
        [1036103,       1,       1,       1],
        [2008297,       1,       1,       1],
        [2086888,       0,       0,       1],
        [2127079,       1,       0,       0],
        [2157100,       0,       1,       0],
        [2157969,       1,       1,       1],
        [2222852,       1,       0,       1]])
>>> 1025338 in M[:,0]
>>> 2157100 in M[:,0]

How can I obtain the row index of numbers that belong
to M ?


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