[SciPy-user] Install scipy on ubnutu 8.10

David Cournapeau david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Mon Oct 6 23:49:55 EDT 2008

Ondrej Certik wrote:
> The way forward is to get involved with Debian packaging and get this fixed.
> I did that for the scipy package and fixed that by applying a simple
> patch to scipy. As to the default umfpack location, I also wondered
> just like you, but it's useful to ask on the Debian list itself and
> ask the people who do the packaging. :) 

Oh, I know why they did that (avoiding cluttering /usr/include). I don't
think there is a point in discussing, they won't change it now. We have
to handle this in our umfpack detection scheme.



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