[SciPy-user] spreadsheet data visualisation app

John Hunter jdh2358 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 8 08:07:26 EST 2008

On Sat, Nov 8, 2008 at 6:53 AM, David Warde-Farley <dwf at cs.toronto.edu> wrote:

> without error at the python prompt. Hopefully the matplotlib package
> for Ubuntu has the GTK backend built in and they just forgot to tag
> the dependency; if not, you may be stuck compiling from source (which
> admittedly is not hard).

Actually, you do not necessarily  need to use a gtk* backend to use
this feature.  The gtktools are just things I use when embedding
matplotlib in gtkapps, but the rec2gtk view is not dependent on any
mpl backend as it simply creates a gtk treeeview in a gtk scroll
window from a rec array.  So yes, he will need to install pygtk, but
shouldn't have any problems if he simply wants to use rec2gtk from the
python shell or embedded in a gtk app.

There is one caveat to this -- if you want to use this feature
interactively from the ipython shell and use pylab at the same time,
then you will need a gtk backend.  Eg in the example I posted, when I
did rec2gtk from the ipython shell, that only works properly if
ipython is in gthread mode, which it will be if you are running -pylab
with a gtk* backend.


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