[SciPy-user] [ Python(x,y) ] New release : 1.2.3

Pierre Raybaut contact at pythonxy.com
Fri May 30 17:07:59 EDT 2008

Hi all,

Python(x,y) 1.2.3 is now available on http://www.pythonxy.com.
Hopefully, updates should now be released at a lower rate.

This update is recommended for Python(x,y) 1.2.x users, as a bug showed 
up with the new PyQt release: zoom/pan mode in embedded matplotlib 
(0.91.2) widgets is very slow. So PyQt 4.3.3 is back on Python(x,y), as 
well as the associated Qt Eclipse integration plugin and Qt help files 
(Eclipse help browser). Anyway PyQt 4.4.2 new features were of no 
particular interest for purely scientific use.
Please see other changes below.

Changes history
05 -30 -2008 - Version 1.2.3 :

     * Corrected:
           o PyQt 4.4.2 --> PyQt 4.3.3 (performance bug in new version 
for embedded matplotlib widgets)
           o Qt Eclipse Integration 1.4.0 --> 1.0.1 (see above)
           o Windows installer bug: Documentation directory 
customization was not taken into account
     * Added:
           o Windows installer: Python(x,y) may be partially (i.e. 
without wxPython and Enthought Tool Suite) installed without any 
administrative privilege

Pierre Raybaut

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