[SciPy-user] common storage between matlab and python

Gael Varoquaux gael.varoquaux at normalesup.org
Sun May 11 13:19:19 EDT 2008

On Wed, May 07, 2008 at 12:32:25PM +0100, Pete Forman wrote:
> MATLAB has read and write capabilities for HDF5 though I do not know
> how well your MATLAB classes are done. 

They used to be really bad.

> MATLAB's save function will take a -v7.3 option to use the HDF5-based
> version of the MATLAB MAT-file. 

That, on the contrary, is fantastic news. I am no longer a heavy user of
matlab (it must be a couple of years since I last coded anything in
matlab), but it is very handy to know this. Thanks for keeping us
informed. This means the death of my matlab scripts, and that's good
news: the less code to maintain the better.



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