[SciPy-user] citing numpy, scipy openopt

dmitrey dmitrey.kroshko at scipy.org
Tue Mar 11 06:59:11 EDT 2008

Emanuele Olivetti wrote:
> Hi Numpy, Scipy and OpenOpt people,
> I'd like to cite these three projects in a scientific paper. According
> from what I've read in the lists these are the main references for
> Numpy:
> 1) Travis E. Oliphant, "Python for Scientific Computing," Computing in
> Science & Engineering, vol. 9, no. 3, May/June 2007, pp. 10-20.
> 2) David Ascher, Paul F. Dubois, Konrad Hinsen, Jim Hugunin, Travis
> Oliphant,
> "Numerical Python", tech. report UCRL-MA-128569,
> Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 2001; http://numpy.scipy.org.
> 3) Travis E. Oliphant (2006) Guide to NumPy, Trelgol Publishing, USA
> I guess  the most appropriate reference would be (1) since it introduces
> the reader to both Python and Numpy.
> What do you suggest for Scipy?
> About OpenOpt: I'm using it for non-linear problems (NLP), mainly
> with "scipy_cg" and "ralg" algorithms. Then I believe I should cite
> both OpenOpt and Naum Z. Shor's work (ralg). Dmitrey, what do you suggest?
> Best Regards,
> Emanuele
I'm not familiar with all those cite rules. I'll be happy enough to see 
OO users comment(s) on my guestbook, it would increase my chances for 
obtaining GSoC and/or  other finance support for further openopt 
development, - currently I can't convince even my dept that openopt is 
something essential.

As for ralg, current Python implementation (written by me during several 
months) is just a mere shadow of the Fortran ralg version, that had been 
written dozens of years by dozens of people from our dept. Maybe I'll 
try to connect some Fortran-written soft by our dept (especially if I'll 
be lucky to become GSoC member once again), but currently I'm busy with 
my 1st f2py experience with bvls.
Regards, D.

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