[SciPy-user] gutsy amd64

Robin robince at gmail.com
Sun Mar 2 12:51:10 EST 2008

On Sun, Mar 2, 2008 at 5:44 PM, osman <osman at fuse.net> wrote:
>  On Sun, 2008-03-02 at 17:34 +0000, Robin wrote:
>  > I put the steps I use to build (64bit) on Ubuntu on the wiki, so
>  > perhaps that is helpful.
>  > http://www.scipy.org/Installing_SciPy/Linux#head-1c4018a51422706809ee96a4db03ca0669f5f6d1
>  >
>  Thanks Robin. I just found it. But when I remove g77 it will remove
>  quite a few stuff :-(  I just hope I will be able to re-install g77 .
>  I also saw that ATLAS stuff was not found even though it was there.
>  Seems to be related to g77 being installed.
>  Had hoped it was easier but...

If you don't want to remove g77 it's enough to make sure it is not on
your path (mv or rename the binary temporarily). For some reason if
distutils finds it it will use it in preference to gfortran regardless
of the commandline --fcompiler option. (This was the case when I first
started with scipy - it might be fixed now)

Alternatively you could just use g77 instead of gfortran (ok as long
as you use it for everything) - the instructions would be pretty
similar except you might need to find libg2c instead of libgfortran
for the extra path to the BLAS and LAPACK options for umfpack.

I got the impression gfortran is more actively developed and supported
though and seems to be the recommended option.

Not sure about the ATLAS stuff - I never had much luck with Ubuntu
packages as I said so I tend to build it myself and keep everything in
a seperate directory.



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