[SciPy-user] ANN: SciPy 2008 Conference

Karl Young Karl.Young at ucsf.edu
Wed Jun 11 14:07:18 EDT 2008

Hey Jarrod,

How are you doing ? Will you be in Melbourne ? I was thinking of 
submitting something for SciPy 2008 but wanted to get your take on it 
before doing so. The content is basically estimating pattern complexity 
from brain images for diagnostic purposes (the general content of a 
couple of papers in Neuroimage and Human Brain Mapping). I did the 
analysis using SciPy (and a little Rpy) but I'm sure the code is pretty 
brain dead and wouldn't teach the SciPy community anything - so can 
these submissions be more about content, e.g. gee look what I did using 
SciPy ?

>The SciPy 2008 Conference website is now open:  http://conference.scipy.org
>This year's conference will be at Caltech from August 19-24:
>Tutorials:        August 19-20 (Tuesday and Wednesday)
>Conference:  August 21-22 (Thursday and Friday)
>Sprints:           August 23-24 (Saturday and Sunday)
>Exciting things are happening in the Python community, and the SciPy
>2008 Conference is an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas, learn
>techniques, contribute code and affect the direction of scientific
>computing (or just to learn what all the fuss is about).  We'll be
>announcing the Keynote Speaker and providing a detailed schedule in
>the coming weeks.
>This year we are asking presenters to submit short papers to be included
>in the conference proceedings:  http://conference.scipy.org/call_for_papers


Karl Young
Center for Imaging of Neurodegenerative Diseases, UCSF          
VA Medical Center (114M)              Phone:  (415) 221-4810 x3114  lab        
4150 Clement Street                   FAX:    (415) 668-2864
San Francisco, CA 94121               Email:  karl young at ucsf edu

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