[SciPy-user] NumPy vs. SciPy and other speed comparisons

David Cournapeau david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Jun 11 07:13:08 EDT 2008

Ivo Maljevic wrote:
> 2. I tried explicitly importing only the required functions, e.g,  
> from numpy import sqrt, arange, ones, zeros, random, where, ceil, sign
> Agian, the same results.
> Would the loading time of the two packages account for over 20 seconds 
> difference in execution time?

No, I think the discussion carried away from your initial problem. 
Although importing scipy is slow, it certainly  does not take 20 
seconds, unless you are running an ancient computer.

Let me check your problem, which may just show that one function is 
scipy is much slower than a similar one in numpy.



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