[SciPy-user] trouble installing audiolab

David Cournapeau david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Mon Jul 28 23:14:44 EDT 2008

Robert Felty wrote:
> I am having trouble installing the audiolab scipy toolkit. I have scipy 
> installed just fine, but I am getting a library not found error when I try to 
> install audiolab

Hi Robert,

    I am sorry this is not working for you. I am not sure what the
problem is, though. You should not change libname to libsndfile, because
distutils adds it automatically for you (it will look for liblibsndfile

Could you add this at line 92 of setup.py (print statement) ?

 for i in lib_dirs:
            tmp = self.check_libs(i, sndfile_libs)
            print tmp, i
            if tmp is not None:
                info    = tmp



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