[SciPy-user] Draw a density line on an histogram

massimo sandal massimo.sandal at unibo.it
Tue Jan 29 09:34:34 EST 2008

Charles Vejnar ha scritto:
> Thank you.
> Ok, with gaussian_kde then linspace (it's a bit different than in R).
> Is it possible to have a different kernel than "gaussian" ?

This (scipy-unrelated) package does it (and, in my opinion, is easier to 
use than the scipy one).


Any chance to merge it into Scipy? (I would like to help now, but I'm 
drowning in my ph.d. thesis...)


Massimo Sandal
University of Bologna
Department of Biochemistry "G.Moruzzi"

snail mail:
Via Irnerio 48, 40126 Bologna, Italy

massimo.sandal at unibo.it

tel: +39-051-2094388
fax: +39-051-2094387
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