[SciPy-user] openopt: which NLP solver?

Emanuele Olivetti emanuele at relativita.com
Sun Jan 27 06:51:22 EST 2008

First of all thanks a lot Dmitrey. Your advices are
very valuable. Other comments below, inline.

dmitrey wrote:
> ...
> as well as many other solvers, including even ALGENCAN. Maybe I 'll 
> provide native OO handling of the situation but, on the other hand, 
> usually it means something incorrect with your own funcs, for example it 
> has lots of local minima or incorrect gradients.

There are fair chances that there are many local minima (at
least "some" are present for sure) and some troubles with
gradients too :)

>> - it is possible that the evaluation of my function and gradient suffers
>> some numerical instabilities
> you should investigate is it so or not. Using p.check.df=1 could be very 
> helpful (see openopt doc page, "auto check derivatives" chapter). If 
> your 1st derivatives really have instabilities (noise, non-smooth - for 
> example, using abs(...)) - then only ralg can handle the problem. On the 
> other hand, current OpenOpt ralg implementation is still far from 
> perfect (at least from ralg fortran version by our dept). However, ralg 
> is for medium-scale problems with nVars up to ~1000, not 10000 as you 
> have. It handles matrix b of shape(nVars,nVars) in memory, and requires 
> 4..5*nVars^2 multiplication operations each iter.
> If no problems with smooth and noise and 1st derivatives obtain, I would 
> recommend you scipy_lbfgsb, ALGENCAN, scipy_tnc, maybe scipy_slsqp; 
> lincher also can serve, but it's very primitive. Here's full list: 
> http://scipy.org/scipy/scikits/wiki/NLP

Very interesting. I'll investigate as you suggest. I'll work on
the 1000 variable problem and ralg in a short time. After that
I'll try the other solvers you suggested.

>> If someone (dmitrey?) could help selecting most appropriate solver
>> in openopt it would be much appreciated.
>> In the meawhile I'll try 'ralg'.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Emanuele
>> P.S.: I'm having some troubles building openopt in ubuntu gutsy.
>> "sudo python setup.py install" works but "python setup.py build"
>> does not, requiring a previously installed "scikits" package. How
>> can I install openopt in a custom path instead of /usr/local/lib/... ?
> Try using "python setup.py", it must ask you what to do (cho0se install) 
> and destination (choose your own)

Right, I'm just trying now. Cool :)

>> [0]: by the way fmin_cg does not handle constraints, at least in
>> standard scipy, which forced me to use abs() in many places. This
>> could be a source of instabilities when computing gradient.
> I guess you use very obsolete OpenOpt version.
> I had implemented (ling time ago) yielding error message
> "the solver scipy_cg cannot handle 'lb' constraints"
> (at least I get the one with trying to pass lb constraints to scipy_cg)
> Of course, since scipy.optimize.fmin_cg can't handle constraints, so 
> does OO scipy_cg.

The 'fmin_cg' I'm using is the standard scipy's one (scipy-0.5.2, as
in ubuntu gutsy 7.10), not yours in openopt. I'll use yours now.

Thanks again!


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