[SciPy-user] Install SciPy

David Cournapeau david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sun Jan 20 22:25:00 EST 2008

Yennifer Santiago wrote:
> Hello...
> I have been trying to install Scipy 0.6.0 but it gives an error when
> try to install the packages LAPACK an ATLAS. I have been following the
> steps in the file INSTALL.txt of SciPy.
> These are the errors that appear when I execute the following comand
> (having already fulfilled the steps previous):
> In Lapack:
> carolina at carolinapc:~/lapack/lapack-3.1.1$ make lapacklib
> Makefile:7: make.inc: No existe el fichero ó directorio
> make: *** No hay ninguna regla para construir el objetivo `make.inc'.  Alto.
> in Atlas:
> carolina at carolinapc:~/atlas3.8.0_Linux_Core2Duo64SSE3_2/ATLAS3.8.0$ make
> make: *** No se especificó ningún objetivo y no se encontró ningún
> makefile.  Alto.
Installing lapack, and even more ATLAS are much more involving than just 
typing make, unfortunately. If you are not familiar with building 
fortran code, I strongly recommend you to install those packages through 
your distribution (assuming you are on Linux). Which distribution are 
you on ? binary packages for blas/lapack/atlas are (at least) available 
for debian/ubuntu/FC (6 and 7) and open suse.



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