[SciPy-user] Python on Intel Xeon Dual Core Machine

David Cournapeau david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Feb 5 21:47:26 EST 2008

Lorenzo Isella wrote:
> Hello,
> And thanks everybody for the many replies.
> I partially solved the problem adding some extra RAM memory.
> A rather primitive solution, but now my desktop does not use any swap memory and the code runs faster.
> Unfortunately, the nature of the code does not easily lend itself to being split up into easier tasks.
> However, apart from the parallel python homepage, what is your recommendation for a beginner who wants a smattering in parallel computing (I have in mind C and Python at the moment)?
> Cheers
Did you try the MKL, as suggested ? Since this only requires 
recompilation of numpy and scipy, that's the easiest path I could see.



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