[SciPy-user] scikits.timeseries

Pierre GM pgmdevlist at gmail.com
Mon Dec 1 13:54:29 EST 2008

On Dec 1, 2008, at 1:44 PM, Robert Ferrell wrote:
>> Unfortunately, there's no easy way to define new frequencies, and  
>> it's
>> not on or todo list either. Frequencies are defined in the C part of
>> the code...
> How do you (or other users) use the Business frequency?

I'll let other users answer that. I never used that frequency myself.

> Also, I get this error when I use tsplot:

Looks familiar... What version of matplotlib and scikits.timeseries  
are you using?

> That comes up no matter what kind of data or frequency I'm using
> (full, valid, etc...).  Is that possibly why the cursor won't give me
> x axis position when I mouse around?

No. I never took the time to find out what I can't get the x axis  
position under the cursor either, but the two issues are unrelated:  
the error you see comes from an update of matplotlib that hasn't been  
ported yet to scikits.timeseries.

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