[SciPy-user] scipy.stats.gamma usage.

cyril giraudon cyril.giraudon at free.fr
Wed Aug 6 08:09:57 EDT 2008

Zachary Pincus a écrit :
>> I am not an expert in statistics and had too validate some  
>> computations.
>> I currently try to use the scipy.stats.gamma.pdf function.
>> I don't know how to use the function and obtain the results  
>> presented in
>> wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma_distribution.
> Could you be a bit more specific about your question? Which "results"  
> from the wikipedia page are you hoping to replicate?
> Here's a thumbnail of the usage of the function though:
> scipy.stats.gamma.pdf([0, 1, 2, 3], 9, scale=0.5)
> will give you the probability density at x = 0, 1, 2, and 3 of a gamma  
> function with the shape parameter (k in the wikipedia page, a in the  
> scipy.stats.gamma docstring -- did you read the documentation for  
> scipy.stats.gamma?) set to 9 and the scale parameter (theta in  
> wikipedia, 'scale' in scipy) set to 0.5.
> Zach
> On Aug 4, 2008, at 3:31 AM, cyril giraudon wrote:
It's OK now.

Thanks a lot.


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