[SciPy-user] numpy.fastCopyAndTranspose Segfaults

Dave dave.hirschfeld at gmail.com
Wed Apr 30 08:44:20 EDT 2008

I tried posting to the numpy mailing list but it didn't seem to make it through
so I'm re-posting in case it's of interest to the scipy community.

As the subject says the below code will crash the Python interpreter. I'm
running 32-bit Win XP on an x64 xeon cpu.

Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Apr 18 2007, 08:51:08) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on
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from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from numpy import asarray, fastCopyAndTranspose
import numpy
timestamps = [datetime(2007,1,1)]
while timestamps[-1] < datetime(2007,12,31):
    timestamps.append(timestamps[-1] + timedelta(1))

x = [asarray(timestamps),asarray(range(len(timestamps)))]


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