[SciPy-user] The IO library and image file formats -- compare with with PIL

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at sun.ac.za
Mon Apr 21 10:04:41 EDT 2008

On 21/04/2008, Zachary Pincus <zachary.pincus at yale.edu> wrote:
>  To answer Stéfan's earlier question of how I see things fitting
>  together, I *think* that the pure-python file format interpretation
>  code could be used (either by importing from PIL or using patched
>  copies as needed) to figure out what a given image file type is, and
>  where in the file the pixels are stored. Then the relevant region of
>  the file would be passed through python.zipfile/deflate/etc. if needed
>  to decompress the pixels, and sent to numpy for unpacking the bits
>  from the string.

So this is the bit that I don't understand.  Those pixel values are
encoded, so which component do you use to take the data chunk and
convert it to actual pixel values?


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