[SciPy-user] Enthought installation

Peter Wang pwang at enthought.com
Fri Apr 18 14:43:19 EDT 2008

On Apr 18, 2008, at 10:03 AM, lorenzo bolla wrote:
> Hi all!
> I'm trying to install the Enthought distribution on my windows box,  
> with the following command:
> enstaller enthon ets
> After having downloaded all the packages, the installation aborts  
> with the following error:
> Obviously, I do not have Visual Studio, but I do have cygwin with  
> mingw32 compiler.
> I tried the simple command: enstaller enthon ets -c mingw32, with no  
> luck.

You should create a pydistutils.cfg file to let distutils know that  
you want to use mingw32 to build extensions.  Here are the steps:

1. Create a c:\documents and settings\USERNAME\pydistutils.cfg file  
(where USERNAME is your login) with the following contents:

2. Create the new environment variable HOME and set it to the value c: 
\docume~1\USERNAME where USERNAME is your login name.
3. Start a new instance of the cmd.exe.

Let me know if the above doesn't work for some reason.  Also, as Gael  
mentioned, questions regarding enthought-specific stuff will get more  
visibility if you ask them on the enthought-dev mailing list. :)


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