[SciPy-user] Multi-peak fitting

Emmanuel manouchk at gmail.com
Thu Sep 27 20:10:44 EDT 2007

I think I may be quite interested in this kind of thing, if you want to
share with me too.

Emmanuel Favre-Nicolin

On 9/27/07, Rob Clewley <rhc28 at cornell.edu> wrote:
> Brian, I'm just in the middle of developing some classes for feature
> extraction in data, particularly for peaks in the kind of data you
> have. The same classes store quantitative information (like peak
> positions, heights...) that can be extracted by objective functions in
> a fitting algorithm. The code will become part of PyDSTool (and as
> such is somewhat integrated with scipy and numpy) but I am happy to
> share with you what I have so far. It works well for the fitting
> problems I am working on in my research and it's relatively
> easy to use. It hasn't been tried on a wider range of problems yet. I
> warn you that it comes with a little extra baggage because I'm setting
> this whole thing up as part of a "bigger idea" involving model
> estimation for dynamical systems and scientific data. But email me if
> you want to try it out!
> -Rob
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