[SciPy-user] scipy-user list

lorenzo bolla lbolla at gmail.com
Wed Sep 19 08:39:00 EDT 2007

In [9]: dim = 10

In [10]: j = 2

In [11]: (numpy.arange(dim)==j).astype(float)
Out[11]: array([ 0.,  0.,  1.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.])

On 9/19/07, Zakaria Ali <zakaria at aims.ac.za> wrote:
> Hello
> Im having a probleme to generalete someting like that.
> e1=(1,0.0)
> e2=(0,1,0)
> e3=(0,0,1)
> I want to generalete ej=(0,...,0,...,   ) and in position number j I want
> to  have 1
> Are there  command in python for this?
> But how I can do the generalisation of this?
> I'm looking  for an answer of the form  ej = (0,0,...,o...,0) and positin
> j, I       want to have 1.
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