[SciPy-user] [Numpy-discussion] Compiling numpy with 64 bits support under Solaris

David Cournapeau david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Fri Sep 14 06:36:50 EDT 2007

Langella Raphael wrote:
> I set F77FLAGS and G77FLAGS and one of them worked, all my objects are compiled in 64 bits. But I've got this linking error (note that I'm using GNU compilers and standard blas and lapack) :
> <snip>
This one looks easy: this is because you need to tell the linker you are 
building a shared library (you can tell it does not because it is 
looking for MAIN).

I asked before whether sunperf is included in sun studio ? Can you 
confirm it ? If it is, maybe I can easily run a virtual machine with an 
open solaris with sunperf + gcc quite easily.



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