[SciPy-user] instrumentation control question

Chris Lee c.j.lee at tnw.utwente.nl
Mon Nov 12 06:14:50 EST 2007

Hi, I know this is a bit off-topic but I wondered if anyone here had any 
experience with the following problem.

Part of our work involves controlling a bunch of lab instrumentation, 
which so far has worked beautifully using python + scipy/numpy + pyVISA. 
Then we got a stepper motor which does not comes with an activeX control 
and (as far as I can tell) nothing else.

This means using the com extensions for win32 and trying to communicate 
with the activeX control. All is not progressing well (we can find the 
control but send no data to it, and it certainly won't talk back to us). 
Does anyone have any experience with this? If so, would you mind sending 
me some code snippets for gaining control of the activeX element?

Thanks very much and my appologies for the not-so-on-topic post (I 
actually think instrumentation control would be a great addition to 
scipy and if I become competent may look at contributing code in that 


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