[SciPy-user] HDF5 Viewer for Python

Clowers, Brian H brian.clowers at pnl.gov
Wed Nov 7 12:49:34 EST 2007


Thanks for the input.  A while back I dabbled with Traits and look at
your tutorial--thanks by the way.  However, I was unsure how to use
traits to develop some sort of Treeview for the HDF5 format.  Which
leads me to beg for your help...I'm sure your 'ugly' code is better than
mine on just about any given day.  If you'd be willing to share--even if
it is to get me started I'd appreciate your help.  The enthought packed
looks very promising so now might be a good time for me to take it up.
I upgraded my system to use the latest version of traits (I believe it
is 3) but am unsure how to begin populating a tree.  Any examples would
be great.  


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