[SciPy-user] surface plotting

James Phillips zunzun at zunzun.com
Sun Nov 4 16:44:24 EST 2007

I use VTK to make VRML, which you can then rotate around
and view using a VRML viewer.  If you use Debian or Ubuntu,
a quick "sudo apt-get install python-vtk" will install Python
bindings and all dependencies.


Here's a quick synopsis from IBM that's fairly recent, they
discuss MayaVi which also does what you're looking for - and
for debian/ubuntu, "sudo apt-get install mayavi":


Since MayaVi uses VTK, the examples use many of the VTK



On 11/4/07, Joe Harrington <jh at physics.ucf.edu> wrote:
> I'm in search of either Python or an open-source, standalone image
> viewer that can visualize surface plots.
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