[SciPy-user] What can be improved ?

Stef Mientki S.Mientki at ru.nl
Wed May 16 05:38:53 EDT 2007


I've just written a function,
(with a lot of trial and error,
converting strings to float, reshaping arrays etc)
to read a tab delimited file, exported from Excel,
and I'm glad it's working ok now.

But I've the unpleasant feeling, that this function is written in a very 
clumsy way,
so may I ask some guru for some comment about improvements.

Stef Mientki

def Read_SenseWear_Tab_File (filename, Print_Info = False):
  from scipy import *
  from time import strptime

  # open the data file and read the column names (and print if desired)
  Datafile = open(filename,'r')
  line = Datafile.readline()
  column_names = line.rstrip('\n').split('\t')
  if Print_Info:
    for items in column_names: print items

  # initialize Number of columns and an empty sample-set
  N = len(column_names)
  zero_vals = N * [0]
  SR = 5

  # read the first dataline, to determine the start time
  # (we forget this first sampleset)
  line = Datafile.readline()
  vals = line.rstrip('\n').split('\t')
  start = datetime(*strptime(vals[0][0:16], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")[0:6])
  prev_tyd = 0     # time of the previous sample

  # create an empty array
  data = asarray([])
  sample_reduction = asarray([])
  # read and interpretate all lines in file
  for line in Datafile:
    # remove EOL, split the line on tabs
    vals = line.rstrip('\n').split('\t')

    # calculate number of minutes from start
    tyd = datetime(*strptime(vals[0][0:16], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")[0:6])
    s = tyd - start
    tyd = s.seconds/60 + s.days*24*60
    # if there are sample-sets missing, fill them empty sample-sets
    # (beware of sample reduction)
    if tyd - prev_tyd > 1:
      zero_vals = (( tyd - prev_tyd )/SR) * N * [0]
      data = r_[data, zero_vals]

    prev_tyd = tyd    # remember the time of this sample-set
    vals[0] = tyd     # replace the datetime with number of minutes

    # be sure all lines are of equal length
    # (sometimes Excel omits the last columns if they are empty)
    if len(vals) < N:
      vals = vals + ( N- len(vals) )*[0]
    # replace empty strings, otherwise float conversion raises an error
    for i in range(len(vals)):
        if vals[i] == '' : vals[i] = '0'

    # convert the string vector to a float vector
    # VERY STRANGE: the next 2 operation may not be done at once
    vals = asarray(vals)
    vals = vals.astype(float)

    # append new sampleset, with a sample reduction of 5
    sample_reduction = r_ [ sample_reduction, vals ]
    if len(sample_reduction) == SR * N:
      # reshape sample array, for easy ensemble average
      sample_reduction = sample_reduction.reshape(SR, N)
      sample_reduction = sample_reduction.mean(0)

      # add mean value of SAMPLE_REDUCTION sample-sets to the total array
      # and clear the averaging sample-set
      data = r_[data, sample_reduction]
      sample_reduction = asarray([])

  # reshape into N signal vectors
  data = data.reshape(size(data)/N,N)
  data = transpose(data)

  return data

Kamer van Koophandel - handelsregister 41055629  / Netherlands Chamber of Commerce - trade register 41055629

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