[SciPy-user] Presentation of pymachine, a python package for machine learning

Petr Šimon sim at klubko.net
Mon May 14 03:13:40 EDT 2007

On Monday 14 May 2007 14:53:32 Aldarion wrote:
> David Cournapeau wrote:
> > Dear scipy developers and users,
> >    - For people willing to use machine learning related software in
> > python/scipy, what are the main requirements/concern ? (eg Data
> > exploration GUI, efficiency, readability of the algorithms, etc...)
> >
> >    cheers,
> >
> >    David
> to me, efficiency and readability of the algorithm.
> and orange impressed me.
> but neither orange nor numpy handle sparse matrix smoothly,
> for example,don't know howto SVD a large-scale sparse matrix with numpy.
In general most of the ML packages like weka and orange are great for small 
projects, but since they typically load all the data into memory, you are on 
your own with larger dataset. This is what I find to be a major concern for 

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Petr Šimon 

PhD student, TIGP-CLCLP Academia Sinica

"... what the Buddhist call 'right livelyhood', I didn't have that, 
I didn't have any way of making a living, and to make a living 
is to be doing something that you love, something that was creative,
something that made sense..."
		     Mark Bittner, parrot caretaker, Telegraph Hill

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