[SciPy-user] Numerical Achievements in Scipy

fred fredmfp at gmail.com
Wed May 2 07:10:50 EDT 2007

Lorenzo Isella a écrit :
> Hello,
> I tend to agree with the opinion expressed below (sharing the code is
> something, being required to package it up is quite a different
> matter).
> Bottom line (sorry if I am not getting this straight right now and I
> do not want to start a flamewar, but I think only a repository / wiki
> should emerge from this discussion): are we thinking about
> http://scipy.org/FredericPetit only for electromagnetism and
My 2 cents.
I did not want to put any python code for electromagnetic cavities on 
the wiki,
because it would be too... boring and cumbersome, I guess. So I just put 
(and I even wonder if it is interesting for somebody; I just did it for 
fun ;-)
I think that empython.org is more appropriate to put this stuff...

For spherical harmonics, the python code is rather short, so I put it.
But I'm wondering now if it is the worth to put x number of lines of 
python code,
even it is "short"...



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