[SciPy-user] help importing integrate

Trevis Crane t_crane at mrl.uiuc.edu
Mon Jun 11 14:09:19 EDT 2007

Hi all,


I'm confused.  In my code I start with this:


import scipy as S



later on, I call odeint like so:


Y = S.integrate.odeint(args)


Yet, this doesn't seem to work (raising an AttributeError), and I can't
figure out why.  It will work if I add:


from scipy import integrate


and call odeint like so:


Y = integrate.odeint(args)


but without that extra import line, I get an attribute error saying
'module' object has no attribute 'integrate'.  It would seem I am
misunderstanding some aspect of scipy's structure or something even more
basic.  Any help or clarification is appreciated.






Trevis Crane

Postdoctoral Research Assoc.

Department of Physics

University of Ilinois

1110 W. Green St.

Urbana, IL 61801


p: 217-244-8652

f: 217-244-2278

e: tcrane at uiuc.edu



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