[SciPy-user] scipy fblas.so functions not found

Fahd Sultan asefu at fooie.net
Thu Jul 12 21:12:21 EDT 2007


I figured out the issues. I had to alter the spec files for redhat 4 AS. 

for instance I had to add to each spec file:

%define is_redhat %(test -e /etc/redhat-release && echo 1 || echo 0)

I had to add a condition BuildRequires and requires to use gcc4-gfortan 
and lapack  as opposed to gcc-fortran and lapack3

--from python-numpy.spec

%if %is_redhat
BuildRequires:  gcc4-gfortran python python-devel lapack-devel > 3.0 
requires:       gcc4-gfortran lapack > 3.0 refblas3

"--record=INSTALLED_FILES" gave me an error when I tested manually so I 
also added:

%if %is_redhat
python setup.py install --root=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT \


%if %is_redhat
    %define NUMPY_EGG 0

David Cournapeau wrote:
> Fahd Sultan wrote:
>> I had to recompile the rpms from your src rpms since the rpms dont 
>> install on Redhat AS 4.4.
> Mmmh, this distribution is not supported by the build system, so if 
> package convention differ, it may cause problems I see unnoticed, since 
> every rpm distribution decides it is a good idea to change conventions. 
> I assumed wrongly that you used fedora core, not the official RH thing.
> The distribution I am supporting for now are FC (5, 6, and 7) on x86 and 
> x86_64 and opensuse (both x86 and x86_64). That does not mean I am not 
> interested in improving the rpm for AS support, of course; it will just 
> be trickier because I do not have access to such a distribution, and 
> packaging is highly distribution dependent.
>> during the build of python-numpy I get this error:
>> (any ideas?) 
>> I couldn't find an aborted install anywhere, not sure whats going on 
>> with this RPM.
> Do you use 32 or 64 bits arch ? The problem seems to be related to the 
> library location. What would be useful for me is a complete log of the 
> rpm building (rpmbuild -ba python-numpy.spec &> build.log). Below are a 
> more detailed explanation on the problem:
> If you do not know anything about rpm packaging, here is the problem: 
> build rpm from sources involve a series of steps, the last one being 
> install, where you list the files to be installed. For example, all 
> python2.4 files are installed in /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ 
> (/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages for 64 bits arch). You can see in 
> the python-numpy.spec file:
> %files
> %defattr(-,root,root,-)
> %{_bindir}/*
> # the following does not work on 64 bits arch.
> #%{py_sitedir}/*
> # I shamelessly copied the install from official fedora core numeric.
> %{_libdir}/python*/site-packages/numpy/
> # the egg is not produced on fedora 7 (something to do with different
> # configuration wrt setuptools on the build farm ?)
> %if 0%{?fedora_version}
>     %define NUMPY_EGG 0
> %else
>     %define NUMPY_EGG 1
> %endif
> %if %{NUMPY_EGG}
>     %{_libdir}/python*/site-packages/numpy*.egg-info
> %endif
> # Why the following are installed ???
> %{_libdir}/python*/site-packages/COMPATIBILITY
> %{_libdir}/python*/site-packages/scipy_compatibility
> %{_libdir}/python*/site-packages/site.cfg.example
> Now, in your case, it seems like there is nothing in
> /var/tmp/python-numpy-1.0.3-build/usr/lib64/python*/site-packages/numpy
> which is a bit strange... As I don't have access to redhat AS, it would be useful for me to know which files are where, to see if the fs layout is different.
> David
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