[SciPy-user] Deleting sandbox.pysparse

Alan G Isaac aisaac at american.edu
Mon Jul 2 11:14:04 EDT 2007

On Mon, 2 Jul 2007, Daniel Wheeler apparently wrote: 
> As far as my project is concerned, I would prefer that 
> pysparse remains at sourceforge for the time being.  Our 
> python code (fipy) relies heavily on pysparse and 
> I believe that it is easier for users to install pysparse 
> as a small package rather than making scipy a requirement. 

> Having said that, I guess it wouldn't be too difficult to 
> move pysparse into the scipy repository and still build 
> separate snapshots of pysparse and upload then to 
> sourceforge for users who only want pysparse. 

If it were a SciKit, users could simply retrieve the package 
from SVN and install it as usual, without I think adding any 
SciPy dependency.  (I am not trying to say this is the right 
way to go.)

Alan Isaac

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