[SciPy-user] solve_banded documentation

Giovanni Samaey Giovanni.Samaey at cs.kuleuven.be
Mon Jan 22 05:33:35 EST 2007

The example is correct, and the input parameter description wasn't.

A possible update is attached.

Giovanni Samaey wrote:
> Dear all,
> the docstring of solve_banded seems to be not correct/up-to-date, or at 
> least unclear.  It is not clear which dimensions the band matrix should 
> be: the example is an l+u+1 matrix, while the input parameter 
> description shows its transpose.  This induces difficulties in figuring 
> out which elements of the diagonals are used and which are not.
> I am currently figuring out on a small example how to use this method by 
> comparing to the solve method.   This should not be necessary.  (I can 
> contribute docstrings later, if wanted.)
> The input parameter naming in the docstring is inconsitent with the 
> declaration line of the method; only adding to the confusion.
> Is someone checking if the docstrings are correct when putting something 
> in, and if they remain correct when methods are changed?
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