[SciPy-user] RE : Re: SciPy Data Analysis Workbench

Robert VERGNES robert.vergnes at yahoo.fr
Thu Jan 18 04:29:42 EST 2007

Hi Gael,

Ok. I admit that! 
>From what I can see Traits can make coding GUI much MORE clearer than wxpython and faster.
But being in the middle of finishing a first release of the workbench - having spent so many hours of coding the GUI wxpython... aaarff - changing now does NOT make me feel comfortable... . Also I want to use the soft on Win and Linux.
And I am not sure that Traits could handle what I need. 
I will release soon a first version and you will give you opinion if it could be dealt with by Traits.
For example: creating one datapage of the workbench can certainly be made with Traits (a datapage being a notebook which include  different pages of different type such datagrid, graph, shell, etc..).
But then I use a notebook inside a notebook to generate the dataset... -ie set of datapages. So I am not so sure that it would easy to handle with Traits and control all the controls...). I will let you judge when it will be released.


PS for Gael: je n'ai tjs pas compris a quoi sert SciLab... Il ya 6 mois j'ai considere scilab pour mon developpement. Puis quand j'ai vu le bastringue j'ai laisse tombe. C'est vraiment afreux... Pourquoi 'ils' n'ont pas utilises Python et/ou developpes une GUI pour octave ... parfois je m'interroge sur les choix 'politico-businesso-scientifique' francais...on sait vraiment depenser les sous en France.

Gael Varoquaux <gael.varoquaux at normalesup.org> a écrit : Hello Robert,

Concerning TraitsUI, I think it is a _great_ productivity gain. It is a
bit hard to learn for people who have never used a graphical toolkit, but
if you are fluent with wxPython, it should be pretty fast to learn.

Bear in mind that it is only a layer above wxPython, so if you understand
wxPython and if you read section 4 of my tutorial you can blend to two

As far as ETS goes it is a fantastic toolsuit but is not terribly well
distributed currently (no packages under linux or mac) but the
developpers are very helpful and they are actively working on that.

I have never regretted using TraitsUI. The fact that the widget
manipulation code vanishes from my code make it much more readable, and
automatic generation of panels is great. The biggest problem with it is
that it is still young.

If you have feedback on my tutorial, I would be very interested, I am
trying to lower the effort to learn GUI programming as much as possible.
I see many people around me who need this.



On Thu, Jan 18, 2007 at 08:08:22AM +0100, Robert VERGNES wrote:
>    Hello Prabhu,

>    Thanx for your input. I browsed the info relatively fast.
>    Indeed it looks interesting. But the interface of the qme-dev workbench is
>    nearly finished... in wxpython and should be out this or next week.

>    I looked at Gael's article. yes impressive, but wxpython is relatively
>    fast to do similar things as well. Albeit wxpython was not exactly
>    designed for scientific work I have to admit. It is GUI only.

>    But the advantage of wxpython is that you can tape in the large wxpython
>    library  of demos to develop very specific GUI fast look at the Demos
>    that's impressive.  I am not sure that Traits has such large librairy of
>    demo code available. Additionnaly you can get the support of the wxpython
>    community which is vital when you want to go fast. - never heard of ETS
>    before... unfortunately.
>    I would have known  Traits/ETS before, I would have considered it. I
>    considered Qt and Tk and wxpython. and made a choice...2 months ago. And
>    now, I cannot afford to learn a new language/wrapper for python's GUI. It
>    took me too much time for wxpython and unfortunately, time is what I have
>    the less...So I will stick to wxpython for the time being. But flexibility
>    of qme-dev workbench allows to use Math-Plot-Lib (Pylab) and could
>    certainly use the ETS lib in the future, if they do not conflict with
>    wxpython.

>    If you want to participate to the workbench development you are warmly
>    welcome.

>    Thanx.

>    Robert

>    Prabhu Ramachandran 
 a ecrit :

>      >>>>> "Robert" == Robert VERGNES  writes:

>      Robert> Hello, I started to write my own Data Anlysis Workbench
>      Robert> based on Scipy and wxpython. (I haven't seen one around?)

>      Robert> Is there anybody interested in it and/or to help writing
>      Robert> it ?

>      I think it would be a good idea to use the Enthought Tool Suite (ETS)
>      (http://code.enthought.com/ets/) as the underlying toolset for this
>      package.

>      Gael Varoquaux has written a very nice article highlighting why traits
>      UI (which is a part of ETS) is cool here:

>      http://gael-varoquaux.info/computers/traits_tutorial/

>      cheers,
>      prabhu

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  Gael Varoquaux,
  Groupe d'optique atomique,
  Laboratoire Charles Fabry de l'Institut d'Optique
  Campus Polytechnique, RD 128
  91127 Palaiseau cedex FRANCE
  Tel : 33 (0) 1 69 35 88 30 - Fax : 33 (0) 1 69 35 87 00
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