[SciPy-user] [SciPy-dev] Docstring standards for NumPy and SciPy

Travis Oliphant oliphant at ee.byu.edu
Wed Jan 17 19:17:27 EST 2007

Edward Loper wrote:

>Indeed.  I just made & commited the change (epydoc subersion revision  
Very nice.  Thank you.

>>This would be fine.
>>I'd like an additional "field" name to describe little used parameters
>>so that functions with a large number of keyword argument can still be
>>well documented without cluttering the main parameters list.  Is that
>As it stands, epydoc is perfectly happy with more than one  
>":Parameters:" section..
Ahh!  This would be just fine.  I like this idea.

>Some issues still need to be worked out with formatting inline math,  
>but I'm hopeful that you'll be able to use non-modified rst :)
Could abbreviations like :m:`eqn` or :lm:`eqn` (for latex-interpreted 
math) be acceptable?  I don't think we should change the default 
interpretation of `` because math will not be *that* common.


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