[SciPy-user] matplotlib, small numbers

Lars Friedrich lfriedri at imtek.de
Wed Jan 17 05:10:33 EST 2007


I just tried

import pylab
pylab.plot((1e-20, 2e-20))

The line is displayed fine, but when I use the pan-tool the y-lims are
set to 1e-10 so that I can not see any slope anymore. Is there a way to
change this?



Dipl.-Ing. Lars Friedrich
Optical Measurement Technology
Department of Microsystems Engineering -- IMTEK
University of Freiburg
Georges-Köhler-Allee 102
D-79110 Freiburg

phone: +49-761-203-7531
fax:   +49-761-203-7537
room:  01 088
email: lfriedri at imtek.de

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