[SciPy-user] Question about Eggs and easy_install

LUK ShunTim shuntim.luk at polyu.edu.hk
Fri Dec 7 03:41:33 EST 2007

David Cournapeau wrote:
> Prabhu Ramachandran wrote:
>> David Cournapeau wrote:
>>> The whole problem is coming from the fact that Lorenzo installed things 
>>> in /usr. To keep things simple: never ever do that. For example, if you 
>> On Debian/debian-derivatives the recommended way is to simply do
>> easy_install --prefix=/usr/local [other args]
> /usr/local is indeed supposed to be the default path for such things 
> (that's the default path used by GNU build system, for example), and the 
> one where to install things not under the control of your distribution 
> (there is /opt, too; but I don't think it matters much which one you use).
> David


A quick and dirty way to make a (non-policy conforming) debian package 
is checkinstall. It's apt-getable.



I've no experience of using it with easy_install though, but it works 
well with the GNU way. Just issue "checkinstall make install" instead of 
"make install" as root and the package will be installed/managed by dpkg.


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