[SciPy-user] Problems with ACML

Ryan May rmay at ou.edu
Tue Aug 28 09:43:14 EDT 2007


Does anyone here use the AMD Core Math Libraries (ACML) as their
underlying libraries for BLAS/LAPACK/etc. in SciPy?  I have problems
with (at least) scipy.linalg.eigvals (Fernando discovered this at SciPy
on my laptop).  For instance, the following crashes reliably with ACML,
but works fine with ATLAS versions of BLAS/LAPACK:

>>>from scipy.linalg import eigvals
>>>from numpy.random import rand
>>>a = rand(100,100)

Anyone else have this problem?  Is ACML known to be a bad thing to use
with SciPy?



Ryan May
Graduate Research Assistant
School of Meteorology
University of Oklahoma

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