[SciPy-user] New scipy release before 8/20?

massimo sandal massimo.sandal at unibo.it
Wed Aug 8 06:59:56 EDT 2007

Ryan Krauss ha scritto:
> My students are not very computer savvy and they perceive installation
> to be a major hurdle to Scipy usage.  So, asking them to find a
> replace a file may be enough to drive them to Matlab.

Sorry if I'm being somehow between offtopic and rude, but if your 
students are so lazy that replacing a file means using Matlab, therefore 
your students do not deserve to be... students.

You're going to teach programming to those guys, so, if they still are 
not, they *will have to* be computer savy. Explain them why do you think 
SciPy is better than NumPy (free, open source, fast updates, a complete 
programming language behind, multiplatform etc.etc.) and let them trust 
you firmly.

If you are almost unconvinced of using SciPy yourself and you want to 
hide warnings, you're even less likely to get your students to use it.

Massimo Sandal
University of Bologna
Department of Biochemistry "G.Moruzzi"

snail mail:
Via Irnerio 48, 40126 Bologna, Italy

massimo.sandal at unibo.it

tel: +39-051-2094388
fax: +39-051-2094387
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