[SciPy-user] New scipy release before 8/20?

Stefan van der Walt stefan at sun.ac.za
Tue Aug 7 19:08:01 EDT 2007

On Tue, Aug 07, 2007 at 08:32:41AM -0500, Ryan Krauss wrote:
> I would like to encourage my students to use Python in my class this
> Fall.  The first day of class is 8/20.  I have had mediocre luck
> building my own windows installers and I would prefer that the start
> up warnings about scipy.test now being called numpy.test not be
> displayed.

The friendly guys at Enthought go to the trouble already, so why not
let your students use


Enthough currently allows you to mirror their eggs, even, so you can
download them on behalf of your students and create a local

See, for example, the instruction at the bottom of



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