[SciPy-user] Ant Colony Optimization

Steve Schmerler elcorto at gmx.net
Wed Aug 1 19:21:24 EDT 2007

Brandon C. Nuttall wrote:
> Folks,
> Is there an implementation of the Ant Colony Optimization routines available in Python? See http://www.aco-metaheuristic.org/

AFAIK not some "quasi-standard" library (like LAPACK). Metaheuristics (be it
ACO, GA, PSO, whatever) are usually (a) relatively straigtforward to code, (b)
very problem-specific. The real challenge is more the algorithm tuning
(population size etc.) and the selection of proper operators. Sometimes, a
combination of (tons of) literature hints and clever test runs solves this, but
there are also books on the topic (see e.g.


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