[SciPy-user] lsim changes shape of input u

Stefan van der Walt stefan at sun.ac.za
Tue Sep 19 19:41:47 EDT 2006

On Tue, Sep 19, 2006 at 05:56:19PM -0500, Ryan Krauss wrote:
> signal.lsim is changing my input vector u from 1D to 2D:
> In [5]: shape(u)
> Out[5]: (1000,)
> In [6]: Y=signal.lsim(sys3,u,t)
> In [7]: shape(u)
> Out[7]: (1000, 1)
> I tried adding a U=squeeze(U) just before the return of lsim, but this
> didn't seem to fix the problem.  This is causing errors else wher in
> my code when I try to export matrices that are columns of data, so I
> have lots of u=squeeze(u) sprinkled through out my code.  Is there a
> way to make lsim do this so that I don't have to do it all the time?

Fixed in SVN.


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