[SciPy-user] umfpack and building scipy from source

Ryan Krauss ryanlists at gmail.com
Thu Nov 30 14:37:46 EST 2006


In [7]: numpy.__file__
Out[7]: 'c:\\python24\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\__init__.pyc'

In [8]: scipy.__file__
Out[8]: 'c:\\python24\\lib\\site-packages\\scipy\\__init__.pyc'

which makes sense.

On 11/30/06, Robert Kern <robert.kern at gmail.com> wrote:
> Ryan Krauss wrote:
> > I may have had the misfortune of checking out of svn last night while
> > numpy and scipy were out of sync.
> No, you didn't. The C API did not change from 1000002 to 1000009 in that time.
> That happened a while ago.
> > I re-did my svn checkout just now
> > and numpy didn't change, but scipy went from version 2339 to 2342.  I
> > now get fewer errors.  I also did a python setup.py clean for each
> > before rebuilding and deleted site-packages/numpy and /scipy before
> > rebuilding.  I am still getting an error from scipy.test that it is
> > built against a different version of the API (see below).  Is this
> > detrimental?
> Yes. Try printing out numpy.__file__ and scipy.__file__ to make sure that you're
> importing the packages you think you are.
> --
> Robert Kern
> "I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
>  that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
>  an underlying truth."
>   -- Umberto Eco
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