[SciPy-user] Windows build help

Robert Kern robert.kern at gmail.com
Tue Nov 21 19:00:00 EST 2006

Gary wrote:
> (The two "Make"s comes from trying different versions of the library.  
> Same result either way.)
>  Directory of C:\MinGW\lib\atlas
> 11/20/2006  09:41 PM    <DIR>          .
> 11/20/2006  09:41 PM    <DIR>          ..
> 04/11/2004  08:05 PM         6,795,178 libatlas.a
> 04/11/2004  07:59 PM           227,300 libcblas.a
> 04/11/2004  08:06 PM           218,844 libf77blas.a
> 04/11/2004  08:42 PM         5,671,110 liblapack.a
> 04/12/2004  05:12 PM             6,389 Make.WinNT_P4SSE2
> 04/12/2004  05:17 PM             6,363 Make.WinNT_PIII

Try adding this to your site.cfg file (if you don't have, go ahead and create
one with the following contents; put it next to scipy's setup.py):



Robert Kern

"I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth."
  -- Umberto Eco

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