[SciPy-user] Windows build help

Gary pajer at iname.com
Tue Nov 21 18:30:28 EST 2006

Gary wrote:
> I'm trying to build the latest svn version on WinXP so that I can have a 
> compatible up to date set {numpy, scipy, mpl}
> I'm using the instructions on scipy.org.  I've got MinGW gcc 3.4.5 and 
> g77 3.4.5 (do I need anything else from MinGW?) , and the atlas prebuilt 
> libraries.  I've modified site.cfg, and also set ATLAS = \correct\path
> Twice near the top of the build it tells me that Atlas (http://math....) 
> libraries can't be found, but a few lines later it tells me under 
> "lapack_info:" that it has FOUND:  libraries = ['lapack', 'cblas'].
> But a raft of errors start during the compilation of odepack (I think) 
> with lots of messages like
> undefined reference to 'daxpy_'
> and many others.
Still hacking at this.
Here's where the errors start:
(the precompiled atlas is in C:\MinGW\lib\atlas)

running build_ext
customize Mingw32CCompiler
customize Mingw32CCompiler using build_ext
customize GnuFCompiler
customize GnuFCompiler
customize GnuFCompiler using build_ext
building 'scipy.integrate._odepack' extension
compiling C sources
C compiler: gcc -mno-cygwin -O2 -Wall

compile options: '-DNO_ATLAS_INFO=1 
nclude -Ic:\python24\include -Ic:\python24\PC -c'
c:\MinGW\bin\g77.exe -g -Wall -mno-cygwin -shared 
ib\integrate\_odepackmodule.o -Lc:\MinGW\lib\atlas -Lc:\MinGW\lib 
\gcc\mingw32\3.4.5 -Lc:\python24\libs -Lc:\python24\PCBuild 
.4 -lodepack -llinpack_lite -lmach -lcblas -lpython24 -lg2c -lgcc 
-lmsvcr71 -o b
build\temp.win32-2.4/libodepack.a(vode.o)(.text+0xd4a): In function 
C:/Documents and Settings/Gary/My 
/odepack/vode.f:1484: undefined reference to `dcopy_'


> Any suggestions?
> thanks,
> -gary
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