[SciPy-user] RV: Read a memory position?

Marek Wojciechowski mwojc at p.lodz.pl
Sun Nov 5 04:23:17 EST 2006

On Sat, 04 Nov 2006 20:20:01 -0000, Leticia <le_fdez at yahoo.es> wrote:

> Hello!
> I'm using  the Quaternion class  to get the rotation angles of a vector.
> The asRotation() method must return the rotation matrix from a quaternion
> but instead of that,
> it is returning:
> <Scientific.Geometry.Transformation.Rotation instance at 0x01BC1580>
> I don't know how to read this and I need to get my matrix from there..


Say, R is your returned Rotation object then
A = R.tensor.array
is your transformation matrix.

Marek Wojciechowski

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