[SciPy-user] Ipython Startup

Fernando Perez fperez.net at gmail.com
Wed May 31 19:02:58 EDT 2006

On 5/31/06, Robert Kern <robert.kern at gmail.com> wrote:
> nicholas cunliffe wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > I have installed IPyhon but cannot get it to start. When I invoke it a
> > dos type window flashes up for a fraction of a second and then
> > disapears. Does anyone have any suggestions?
> You will want to ask on ipython-user instead:
>   http://scipy.net/mailman/listinfo/ipython-user

That's, true, but in the interest of helping a new user, here's a few
hints.  For further discussion, please continue on the ipython-user
list, which I've cc-d on this reply to avoid polluting the scipy list
further.  Here goes:

1. You are using a very outdated ipython, please grab the current one
from the site.

2. make sure you read and follow the full windows installation instructions:


They've proven to work out of the box for many users so far, so they
make a good starting point.

3. AFTER you do 1 and 2, if the problem persists, try to open ipython
from a regular dos terminal 'by hand'.  I don't use windows myself, so
I'm a bit fuzzy on the details, but the basic idea is to open a DOS
terminal, then go to the folder where ipython itself is installed  (I
think it's typically something like C:\python24\scripts) and type

c:\python24\???\python.exe ipython

where the ??? means I don't really know the path to python itself on windows.

This should run ipython and show you the relevant errors without
closing the window.  You can then paste them in an email and send that
to the ipython user list, where we can help you further (other ipython
developers do have windows experience, even if I don't).



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