[SciPy-user] fft crashes python

weg werp wegwerp at gmail.com
Sat May 27 04:20:47 EDT 2006

Hi group,

the following crashes python:

from numpy import *
import scipy.signal as sig
x=ones(100,dtype = float)

So far I have only played with the basic numpy stuff, which all seems
to work. I have not used much of the toolboxes, so big chance that
more things are broken there. I guess there is something wrong with
the pre-compiled number-crunch libraries under the hood.

Note that I previously reported problems with scipy.test, see

Since then I upgraded to the latest precompiled binaries (.9.8 and
.4.9), but scipy.test(10,10) still crashes at exactly the same point.

Any ideas how to solve this? I guess that compiling everything myself
might solve the problem, but it would be nice for a beginner to start
experimenting without having to do that. I am not so much concerned by
speed just yet.


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