[SciPy-user] spline <-> NaN

Alexander Kollmann kollmann at telbiomed.at
Wed May 24 03:02:24 EDT 2006


in the first step linear interpolation would be helpful.

Thanks, Alex

"Grant Edwards" <grante at visi.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:e4vtsl$mf7$1 at sea.gmane.org...
> On 2006-05-23, Alexander Kollmann <kollmann at telbiomed.at> wrote:
>> How can I calculate the spline from an input array (time-series) which
>> contains 'NaN'. I'm using the "splprep" and the "splev" function.
> That depends.  How do you want the curve to behave in the
> region where it's undefined?
> -- 
> Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Hmmm... A 
> hash-singer
>                                  at               and a cross-eyed guy 
> were
>                               visi.com            SLEEPING on a deserted
>                                                   island, when... 

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